a blog about projects

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wishing Stars

Beaded Temari Earrings
Though I am an artist, I can confidently call myself a seasoned crafter :)

I've been doing crafts ever since I could remember and this is my latest creation!
The plan is to sell them so I will have more money! and who doesn't need more money! 

Christmas is just around the corner! (literally... it's christmas in all of the department stores already... and Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet!) 

I'm charging $8 a pair. 
If you are interested in purchasing a pair (...or two!) of these earrings, please send an email to:
Buy lots!!! :D
Take it easy :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Boy meets girl

So if you know me well... YES! 

You know that I love to bake!

My mentor teacher brought to my attention of a recipe called...

"Blueberry Boy Bait"

Yes, yes, yes it is an awesome awesome name for this awesome awesome cake. I made some for my boy and I'm sure he enjoyed it :) 

You can find the original baking master and recipe Smitten Kitchen at:

I decided that today was a good baking day, it was cold outside. Warm cake is perfect for snuggling into the couch and watching TV. 

Anyways... if you also know me well... you know that I don't really like...


I know I'm crazy... :P 
I began thinking... (surprise I know)... anyway...


Of course!!! Chocolate! add chocolate chips and what?!  
<<<<< this is the result :D I love food. 

So half of the pan was blueberries and the other half chocolate. 

And herein lies the perfect combination of loves. 
Blueberry boy bait 
chocolate girl cake

Love is born.