a blog about projects

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Making" New Friends

Well hey! Long time no see! おひさしぶり!
So yesterday i decided to paint... and failed! haha but I found lots of felt sooo here are my results!

They don't really have names yet. but if you'd like to suggest some names tha'd be cool. 

I love making things. I feel like it validates me as an artist somehow. :D

These are very simple to make and are really good for sewing practice. Basically here is what you do:

1. Have a picture of what you want to end up with in your head. Do you want it to be fat? skinny? big head? small body?

2. (i don't measure... or plan out...) so cut your desired shapes out. remember your friends would probably appreciate all of their limbs... so don't forget them! 

3. Lay all parts out and sew together parts that will be stuck on the same big felt. (don't worry about limbs those will be sewed together when you sew the two bodies together.) So parts like the eyes and the face would be sewed together now. :)

4. I use elmers glue to keep the limbs in place while sewing the bodies together. 

5. Stuff!!! Give them guts!!! and give them BRAINS!!! 

Now you have yourself a new friend!!!! and now you can make your own army of feltish friends!!! :D 

Have fun!!!

(>>> fail painting... I forgot what I wanted to paint after I started painting... :P I'll get it one day :)