a blog about projects

Monday, March 7, 2011

Teaching Day 6

"RPR" project
Repetition, Pattern, Rhythm
Our next endeavor is the RPR project. 

1. Students painted a piece of paper with watercolors
2. The watercolors are in random patterns of color blobs
3. Then they look at their painting and find different objects to make out of the blobs.
4. Draw out their objects in pencil and then go over them in pen. 
5. In the background make a rhythmical pattern that moves the viewers eyes across the page. 
This was a fun project for me to do alone. We are getting to the point where the students imaginations are trying to squeeze out everything they've got... 

and some students aren't, but that's just how it goes I guess.

They are supposed to use different pen techniques that they've used in their last project. 
This way they can add detail and texture to their artwork. 

In the end their skills should move your eyes throughout their artwork and give you some sort of rhythmic sensation! 


  1. I love yours!!

    Can you make me one and I'll put it on my wall? :) haha

  2. this stuff is bomb diggity. can't wait to see you when I get back!
